We are proud of our high streets here in Wimbledon and want to see them continue to thrive.
In Government, the Conservatives have introduced a package of measures to support small businesses, including the creation of the Future High Streets Fund. This fund will see £675 million of investment spent on transforming town centres across the Country.
High streets in Wimbledon have huge potential, but we must ensure that because of the clear lack of vison by Labour-led Merton Borough Council that they are not ignored – but are greatly enhanced.
Merton Conservatives understand the important contribution that small business make to our community and that is why it so important that high quality commercial units are provided – but we also understand that the overall environment must be strong on sustainability and aesthetics – residents want to be proud of their High street and where they live.
As part of our plan for Wimbledon, your Conservative team is campaigning to secure investment from the Future High Streets Fund which would then be used to attract new business and increase footfall into our town centres.